Blog Featured on Black Excel and Named in the Top 50 College Admission & Administration Blogs by DIY Learning
Black Excel is one of the top or major college help resources that provide information to assist students, parents and visitors. Issac Black is so dedicated to college success for African American students that he wrote a book entitled: "African American Student's College Guide". The book provides insider tips on admissions, profiles 100 of the top colleges and provides hundreds of scholarship sources along with much more.
Faith is awesome, I claimed a few years ago that I would be recognized by this great individual along with eventually having the opportunity to meet and work with him on this great endeavors to have access and college preparation for all that want it. Mr. Black I thank you for this great honor and look forward to working with you in the near future.
In addition to this recognition, the blog was named in Top 50 College Admission & Administration Blogs by DIY Learning . The recognition is located at