Planning and Preparing for College (Scholarships, Internships, Etc)

To prepare students and their parents for college success in areas of academic readiness, community service, internships, summer programs, etc. The blog is to be used as a preparation infrastructure on various areas of college topics.

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Notes on Reading the Blog

Please note that the Blog is a college resource infrastructure and is to viewed ongoing or various times for valuable information.

The blog structure is as follows:

The left side displays the current posting for scholarships,internships, fellowships and job opportunities. In many cases the deadlines for the opportunities will be displayed in the title or within the posting.

The right side has links in various categories. Some of them are: College Preparation, ACT/SAT Info, FAFSA, Financial Aid, Internships, Scholarships, Fellowships and much more. Click the link to get additional information on each topic or area.

The blog contains thousandths and thousandths of links and is over 80 pages in printed documentation.

As always, share the blog with others.


At 2:59 PM, Blogger pwbrown said...

thanks, your resources have helped me out a ton. I've used to narrow down my college choices, and your resources for the application process and financial aid to feel better prepared!


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